Allow Our Athletes The Space to Dream of Olympic Glory...

It is cold in Lima, Peru, host city of the 2019 Pan Am Games. In fact, it is winter here in the South American nation.

Try a little harder

I came in for some withering criticism recently for adopting the position, that as painful as it is, the current intolerable crime situation is an opportunity for T&T to recalibrate.

SEA’s negative impact on young athletes

It is an un­com­fort­able re­al­i­ty that the con­cept of fair­ness and equal­i­ty can be trans­ac­tion­al.

The 2021 Commonwealth Youth Games is heading to Trinidad and Tobago.

The voices of Young People Key to Trinidad and Tobago winning the Bid. It's their Games.

Fidel Castro once said, "a revolution is a struggle to the death between the future and the past".

Sports governance coaching is here

Re­cent­ly I had the op­por­tu­ni­ty to meet with There­sa Min­nie - head of Out­reach at the IC­SA - the Gov­er­nance In­si­tute. She was vis­it­ing from the Unit­ed King­dom and here to be one of the main pre­sen­ters at a Gov­er­nance work­shop host­ed by the lo­cal arm of IC­SA. The work­shop was held at the Cham­ber of Com­merce build­ing, West­moor­ing, Port-0f-Spain re­cent­ly.