The night of 22 to 23 August 1791, in Santo Domingo (today Haiti and the Dominican Republic) saw the beginning of the uprising that would play a crucial role in the abolition of the transatlantic slave trade.

TT Olympic Committee (TTOC) president Brian Lewis has urged the national sporting fraternity and its affiliates to be a part of its webinar on Doping Control during the Pandemic, which gets underway on Saturday from 4pm.

Head of a regional sporting body is high in praise of CARICOM’s approach to sports, entertainment and culture.

TT OLYMPIC Committee (TTOC) president Brian Lewis says the recent post-election dialogue on race is uncomfortable but necessary to make TT a better country.

It is official! The first-ever Sport Integrity Week will take place between 7 and 11 of September 2020. The announcement has just been made by SIGA, the world’s leading independent coalition in the field of sports governance and integrity, coinciding with the release of the Official Event Brochure.