By many ac­counts, Laven­tille got its name by the cor­rup­tion of the French word “La Ven­taille”. It has been said that the north­east trade winds blow to­wards this part of the is­land of Trinidad be­fore reach­ing any oth­er part of Port-of-Spain–hence the metaphor­i­cal name La Ven­taille (“The Vent”). The res­i­dents of “The Hill” are for­tu­nate to have a very rich his­to­ry.

 ... How community became a no-go zone

Trinidad and Tobago is the best Caribbean Carnival in the world. Many carnivals across the world have based their celebrations on Trinidad’s Carnival.

Sports Minister chastises ‘grown folks’ in sport.

MINISTER of Sport and Youth Affairs Shamfa Cudjoe made a plea to “grown folks” to allow children in sport to be the centre of attention, by getting rid of all the egos and the drama behind the scenes.