Four-time Olympic medal­list Ato Boldon has end­ed his five-year re­la­tion­ship with Flori­da-based, T&T sprint­er Khal­i­fa St Fort.

Ac­cord­ing to a re­port on Sports­max.TV yes­ter­day, Boldon con­firmed that it was his de­ci­sion to part ways with the 2016 World Un­der-20 100 me­tres bronze medal­list. He did not pro­vide fur­ther de­tails on the de­ci­sion but wished her well.

Boldon said, "She took as much of a chance on me as I did on her in 2014 and there was much suc­cess along the way, in­clud­ing T&T na­tion­al ju­nior and youth 100m records and medals at World U-18 and World U-20."

St Fort's for­mer coach added that the 21-year-old ap­proached him re­cent­ly, say­ing she need­ed some time off but didn’t com­ment fur­ther.

When con­tact­ed yes­ter­day St Fort said that she was not ready to com­ment on the split. How­ev­er, she wished both her for­mer sprint coach, as well as for­mer team­mate Bri­ana Williams all the best and much suc­cess.

The 2015 World Youth Cham­pi­onships sil­ver medal­list said she in­tends to com­pete again for T&T be­cause "she loves do­ing so" and was grate­ful for all the sup­port over the years.

St Fort al­so opened up about the in­jury which re­sult­ed in her de­ci­sion to rest for 2019.

"I've been deal­ing with a pret­ty se­ri­ous Achilles in­jury like it’s not ex­act­ly my Achilles, it’s a ten­don next to it, and I’ve re­al­ly been strug­gling with that this sea­son so that’s what re­al­ly made me de­cide to end my 2019 sea­son," said St Fort. "I’m not able to sprint at the mo­ment and I just thought it would be bet­ter to give my body the rest it needs, so I don't make it worse."

St Fort said that she has no plans to re­tire but wouldn’t com­ment on ex­act­ly when that will be, nor what com­pe­ti­tion she was tar­get­ing for her re­turn.

Un­der Boldon, St Fort achieved her 100m per­son­al best time of 11.06 sec­onds in 2017 from a pre­vi­ous best of 11.86 in 2014. Her 200m time al­so dropped from 24.42 to 23.31 dur­ing the same time pe­ri­od.

St Fort al­so won 100m gold medals at the Pan Am U-20 Cham­pi­onships in 2015 and 2017 and had sixth-place fin­ish­es in the 100m fi­nals at the 2018 Com­mon­wealth Games and the NACAC Se­nior Cham­pi­onships.

She was al­so a mem­ber of her coun­try’s re­lay teams that fin­ished fifth at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio and sixth at the 2017 IAAF World Cham­pi­onships in Lon­don in 2017. She was al­so a mem­ber of T&T's 4x100m bronze medal win­ning team in 2015 and be­came the youngest medal­ist since the cham­pi­onships be­gan back in 1983.
